Slot machine Aztec Empire is a new game made by playson

Slot machine Aztec Empire embodies the story of a mysterious civilization that vanished from the face of the Earth a long time ago. Aztec tribe left behind a lot of secrets and mysteries that are yet to unravel the inquisitive minds of archaeologists. And while these professionals do their job, online players can enjoy the ancient atmosphere and the best options that come with this online slot.

How to play the slot machine Aztec Empire

Slot machine Aztec Empire were invited to play on the five reels, and lines selection of players can vary from one to twenty-one in its sole discretion. Depending on the drop-down symbols, the payout may not be the most significant or more solid. For example, the most favorable combination of machine became five Simonov with the image of a dragon. This combination increases the bet to 3000.

Bonus games on the slot machine Aztec Empire

In the bonus game on the slot machine Aztec Empire you can try on the role of a great Builder. The representative of the Aztec tribe will offer to erect a magnificent structure, only the material from which the pyramid will be built, will not be known in advance. Depending on the player's choice, the pyramid can be wood, gold and even diamond. All the options bring reward, but the diamond pyramid will play in the super-game and get to the heart of the ancient structure. Here players can expect very generous bonus prizes.